Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Inspiration strikes

I have got to get back into writing and blogging. I post and then nothing for months. There has to be a better way to stay motivated and on track. Let’s start easy: We’ll talk about my current book and go from there. Should be simple enough…*fingers crossed*

The latest book that I’m working on is titled…for now, Perfect Planning. I can’t really say why I’ve titled it that, but I’m sure that I’ll probably change it later. But that is not why we are here today. We are here to talk about the inspiration behind the story and why I chose to write it.

The story starts with the heroine in high school, having just discovered a life changing fact. This fact alters the rest of life and forces her to start over in a place far from loved ones and anyone that would know her. But she’s strong, unwilling to let it destroy her. Things are starting to look up for her when a blast from the past comes into her life and takes her back to that place in her youth. From there, we follow her journey of loss, forgiveness and her path back to love.


To be honest, I don’t know where this idea came from. Maybe from playing Sims, a little from soap operas, some from primetime TV. I wanted to write about love lost and what the road would look like if someone wanted to travel it. All the trials and tribulations that would come with trying to rekindle a lost love with deep secrets between the main characters. I didn’t want it to be pretty or easy the way that some of these stories can play out, but I did want it to be beautiful and touching.

So right now, I’m working hard to get this story done. Some days are better than others and I admit, I struggle to put words to paper.
