Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I know, I’m a little late in my blog post. I just could not come up with anything to talk about. That’s not true…it’s more like I had too much I wanted to talk about and didn’t know where to start.


Let’s talk about inspiration and where it comes from. Sometimes, I will be sitting on the couch, watching a commercial and an idea will hit me. It could be the weirdest thing ever, but it will spark something in me that makes me want to write a story. Or other times, I will have a dream and wake up with crystal clear images. Like a story that I’m itching to work on. I had a dream about a writer that was having one of her stories made into a movie. Of course she gets with the main actor of said move, but there were twists and turns in it that I’m not sure I could have thought up fully awake. As soon as the sleep cleared from my eyes, I had the basic outline written down on paper. It may be a while before I get to the story, since I have a few others, but it’s there.


Other times, I’ll read another person’s story, a fairytale and think…what if? What if I changed it, made it newer, set in a different time, and changed the people around? That’s my next step that I’m taking, once the stories that I’m working on get finished. I want to see what I can do with the classic, other than the ordinary. I mean…I’ve seen enough of the Cinderella stories to know that the usual bores me to tears. I want to spice it up…make things different and new.

Where does your inspiration come from?

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