Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas day

Today was Christmas and a good one at that. Spent some time with the friends, ate some food and gave some gifts. What could be better than that? I did talk to my parents and my brother, made sure they were having a good time. My brother says my parents are taking the kids back with them for a bit which is good, since they got gipped out of the summer. Ah well, it’s under the bridge. When Monday hits, I’m going to have to send the packages out for the holidays. Yes, I’m a few days behind, but I like to do it this way so that people still have gifts coming even after the holidays. I wonder how my mother will like her gifts? And my dad?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still working

I am getting nowhere in this story. It’s not for lack of trying. I have been. I just can’t seem to get back into writing. I’d planned that while I was on leave from job I would be working on my crafts and the stories. So far…I’ve completed part of my Christmas list, but come no closer to getting this story done.

How do you get over the hump?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Moving past the letdown

So, I took a moment to mourn my story that I’d finished. Wasn’t a long period, since I’ve been working on this bad boy for quite a while. But…I still feel a little sad. Like a friend you hadn’t seen in a while calls you out of the blue. You kinda missed them, but not in the aching sense of missing your best friend.

So, for my next story I’m finally tackling a story that I’ve had on the backburner for longer than I can remember. A nice little interracial love story about a couple that were separated by the hero’s mother when they were only teenagers. He comes back to the family fold after being gone for a long time and finds the heroine in the same town as his mother. He wants to pick up where they left off, but she has a secret he can’t know about. this is not a traditional love story in that the hero does not wait around for her and neither does she wait around for him. They both date during the first few chapters of the story, even going so far as to be intimate with their significant others. For one reason or another though, those relationships end up failing and they come back together. Of course, there are trials and tribulations even after they come together and it looks like they might never get together. the hero though…he’s waited a long time for his woman and he’s not going to let her go so easily once he realizes she’s really the one.

this one has been in my head for a long time, coming out here and again while I was working on other stories. Now, the situation is that I’m working on it and I have other stories that I want to get to. I can’t decide if having all these activities makes me ADD or artistic. *shrug*

What do you think?

Monday, December 6, 2010

End of story letdown

While the topic title would have you thinking I mean the end of a book I’ve been reading, it doesn’t. I’m talking about the depression that sets in when you finish writing a book. It’s the feeling you get when you finally type/write the end to a story that has taken up much of you life and you emotions. I’m going through that now, after having finished a five book story arc concerning a gay couple I created. The ending just…drained me and now…I don’t know what to do with myself.

You’re probably asking…what are the symptoms of such a feeling? Let me tell you.

You feel drained, not quite happy, but not quite sad. At one point you may have even hated you book, wishing that it would end. Now that it has, there is a tinge of sadness hanging around your head, dragging you down when you go to open that file only to realize that it’s finished.

You get this right before you send the story off to be critiqued and edited. Once it’s in the other stages, you start to hate it again and can’t wait for it to be done.

How does one deal with such an emotion? You know the characters in the book aren’t real, or at least I hope you do. But you’ve spent every day with them, sometimes hours in a day and now…you won’t be seeing them as much anymore. It’s time for them to go into the world and though you are proud, how do you let them go? Are there any special rituals you have, things you do, celebrations you hold to purge the sadness that lingers once the last page is turned and you put down the pencil?