I know…I’m still a new writer and I can’t have too much advice to give.
I have learned a bit from my rejections, my critique partner, reading…just life in general and I think that some of the things I have picked up can be helpful to others.
- Never stop. I do mean that literally. even when you are tired and you think that you just suck…keep going on. This applies to every aspect of life really, but especially in writing.
- Keep reading. reading keeps the mind sharp, keeps you up on any “trends” and in general keeps the juices flowing. How many times have you read a book, a story and thought “What if I did…instead?”
- Be kind and open. Parting of being a good writer is being open to new ideas, constructive criticism and things changing.
- Be voracious. You have to want it…more than anything, even sleep.
- Be selfish. There are going to be people who will not respect what you do. they will take advantage, disrespect or just not understand what you are trying to do. If you have to, carve out the time and turn everything off until you get that chapter finished.
- Be firm and polite.
- Ask questions…all the time. This keeps the juices flowing and the ideas fluid.
- Shoot for the moon but keep you eye on the ground.
- Be confident.
- Stay humble
- Be willing to sacrifice. IF this is your passion, nothing will stand in your way. There are of course things that are more important, but sometimes…writing will take 1st place. Be ready.
- In the same vein…be willing to give. Some people won’t get it and you have to be understand and giving with them.
- Keep distractions to a minimum. Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc…At first they are fun, but then…days have gone by and you haven’t written a word.