Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Behind the eight ball

I had a dream…a goal really. I wanted to publish a story every 6 months. That’s not too ambitious…right? I mean…what could go wrong? I have stories that I’ve finished and I just needed to give them one last look through/critique and then I would publish them and that…would be that.

God I’m delusional!

I am still critiquing the first few chapters of my next book and my dealine was MARCH! Do you know what month we are in now?


Where is the time going? Seriously…who took it?

Deep breath…deeeeeeepppppp breath.

So I’m trying to crack the whip on myself, get motivated to do what I need to do. But’s it hard…no lie about that. I get distracted or stressed or just…lazy. I lose sight of my dream and go off on a tangent.

And I just want to say…it’s okay to do that.

Sometimes you need to get lost in order to find the way that’s going to work for you and there is no shame in that. It’s all part of the learning process, the growth that we have to do.

With that said…I have to go do some critiquing and editing.

Happy writing!