Monday, June 21, 2010

back in the saddle

Okay, I’m back to writing.

Really, I’m writing again. I’m in the second book of my Trilogy The Hectate Trilogy titled Henbane and I’m feeling better about myself. I’ve been struggling with this story for so long, I never thought I’d get back into it. I can’t tell you why I was having these problems, I just was. Then something clicked for me, as if a light went off my head. (there I go again, being dramatic) and everything started to flow. At least until chapter 4 came to an end. Then, chapter 5 started to mock me. I had to force my hubby to sit down with me and brainstorm so I could over the hump. I did, at least until chapter 7, but by then, hopefully, I’ve gotten more in-depth and will know where I’m going. Already, I’m thinking ahead. I really need to put this stuff down in my outline so I don’t lose it. That would suck worse than the writer’s block.

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