Monday, June 28, 2010

Book Release-My Sun, Your Shadow

I know, I’m a bit late with this, but as I only recently got back on line, I think I’m allowed a little lateness. My critique partner, Suzannah Safi has another book release. This book had been out before, but from what I understand, the publisher that had it was not on the up and up, so she had to take her work elsewhere.

Here's the juciy blurb:

Cat Mckibben wakes up one night to find herself chained to a bed at the will of a mysterious dark stranger. Yet his allure is more than she can handle as he entices her to follow him down a path of self-revelation and self-indulgence. When given to her fantasies, Cat finds the stranger more powerful than she imagined--...and his identity is revealed as Dracula.
Set out to take a queen, Dracula informs Cat that her secret heritage makes her the predestined queen.
Cat faces a decision--to stay with Dracula and enjoy a vampire's life teeming with sensual bliss, or the alternative fate that awaits her when she wakes up once again in her former nightmarish reality…

A Dark Fantasy Thriller Romance, Vampires.

I have not had the oppurtunity to read this book, but I know from expereince that this will surely satisfy your desires for sexy vampires.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear for presenting my short story, you are the best oxoxox


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