Thursday, December 6, 2012

Long Time

I know, I haven't been here in a while. A lot has been going on and it’s taken me till now to deal with it enough that I can put it in a blog, let it out so others can relate to what has been going on.

Let’s start with the heavy and go from there.

I’m in the middle of a divorce. Or maybe it’s the end. I can’t really tell anymore. All I know is that my 10 year relationship has imploded and I’m still picking up the pieces. A lot of people will tell me that they are sorry to hear that, that their heart goes out to them, but I’m not in the mood. I just want people to nod and look away. I’m not able to handle the pity or the sorrow or even the despair that some people express at the ending of my marriage. I may never be able to and that’s how I handle things. Just press on until the road runs out. Productive yes…emotionally healthy…not so much.

With that out there, I’m going to take down this blog and go in a new direction, or more like chose a fork in the road and follow it. We are still going to talk about writing, but also crafts, bariatric surgery and recipes. I’m also going to get personal, talk about dreams,wants needs. I’ll probably post some stuff that I’m writing and even some deep thoughts that may make you blush a bit. Sorry about that, but it’s time I condensed my thoughts and words to one place. I have about three other blogs and it’s too hard, too much to keep up with keeping it all separate.

One place…one me. That’s the new motto.

So if you wanna head on over to the new home base, please do. If not, it’s been a good time with you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New day

It seems that I am back in the saddle again with writing. I took a bit of time for me, to see where things were going and how I felt about them. Truth be told, as much as I lament when I’m writing about how hard it is and how difficult I find it to write, I NEED to write. It’s in me and I can not get away from it. Since picking the pen back up a few days ago, I’ve gotten several chapters down and I’m back on my roll.

I think though, that I’m going to try and self-publish. I realize that my writing style is bit…off the norm and that’s okay. I wouldn’t change it even if I could. So, once I get a of $$ saved, I’m going to get some copyediting done and plunge right in. Should be fun and exciting. I just need some plans on how to market.

Any suggestions?