Monday, September 29, 2014

A writer’s toolbox

Sometimes…you just gotta be prepared. There are only a few things that I need to write. Few, but important and crucial. If something is missing from this list when I go to write…things can get ugly REAL fast.

#1- My laptop. I have all my rough drafts, copies, ideas, book trailers, story ideas…everything is on this baby. I do have a flash drive and I frequently back up to my external drive, but this laptop…is my baby. I take it to a local coffee shop when I want few distractions, on the porch when I want to watch the dog run, on trips when I think I’m going to get some work done. Its portable and makes things easy. I can say that I would like to have a desktop, but that would be mostly for games and day to day stuff. I save the laptop for writing.

#2-A pen. But not just any pen. I can’t do ink pens or gel pens. Something about them makes me feel off. I have to use a ball point pen and the cheap ones are my favorite. The fancy ones are nice, with the gold and silver, but the weight is heavy and they often have stuff on them that gets in the way of my fingers, irritating the skin on them. I stick to the bic pens or even the ones you get from the hotels. FAVORITE!

#3- I also need a pencil. A long one with a good eraser. I prefer to keep it sharpened, no dull lead for me. The mechanical is okay, but the weight of it just does something and I can’t write with it for long. An old school #2 pencil all the way for me.

#4- I use the word program to write. Nothing fancy, but it does all my formatting that I like and it can save it for me from one story to the next.

#5- The kicker…I like to lay on the floor and write. Not hardwood, carpet please. Freshly vacumed if possibly but at least nothing so dirty that things are growing in it. Using a desk of or a counter…does not work for me. I can’t get into the flow of things and stop after like 1/2 a page. On the floor…I can write chapters. Just swinging my legs back and forth, scribbling away. Ahhh…good times.

What are some things that you need in your writer’s toolbox to write?

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