Monday, October 20, 2014

Author rituals

Talk to any author and they will tell you that they have things that must be in order for them to write. All the stars must be aligned, the gods must be good and there must be certain things within reach. If these things are not in order, the words will not flow, the muse will flee and there will be no goodness for anyone to read.

For me the list is short and concise:

  1. A cup of tea, preferably a nice robust chai. The tea keeps me calm and focused. I do drink other teas, but chai is my favorite. Something about the spice and heaviness that makes it easier to write for me.
  2. A pencil. So…I don’t really like to write on the computer first. I like to put pen or pencil to paper first then write up things later. My mind works way too fast for me to type on the computer, leaving words out and it’s just generally a mess. Pencil and paper is the way to go…at least for me.
  3. Fresh paper. No wrinkles, no stains, no tears…nothing. If it’s not fresh…I can’t do it. I  don’t know what it is, but scrap paper makes me feel uncomfortable and I just…I just can’t.
  4. I prefer a notebook or a notepad. A sheet of paper is not going to cut for more than one reason. I need to feel the thickness and smoothness of paper under my hand.
  5. I do need music to write. Depending on the mood I’m in, the music can set the mood. Sexy mood for love scenes, hard angry music for fight or action scenes. Sometimes I just need something in the background to keep me focused and from getting distracted by anything that might happen in the background. Music…soothes the soul.


What are some of you rituals? How do you get the flow going?

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