Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Ten Books

It’s been a while, but let’s pretend that it hasn’t. I want to talk to you about books. Not just any books, but the top ten books on my list…so far.

These are books that if the zombie apocalypse happened, I would have to take them with me…or hunt them down in now abandoned libraries and books stores. These are the books that bring a smile to my face and I always go “oooohhh…I remember that book.”

  1. Little House on the Prairie – we’ve already talked about my love of this series so I won’t bore you again.
  2. Interracial Intimacies – Not so much fiction as it was a book that provided a great deal of insight into the relationships between black men and women and some backstory on why things are the way they are. I wouldn’t say all the hypotheses' are concrete, but they do open one’s mine to the workings and the why’s of some issues that seem to plague black relationships.
  3. Micaville's Letter to the Prince – it was required reading in my political science class and I have to say it left a huge impression on me about politics and how things work.
  4. Where the Wild Things Are – I loved this book. I did not see the movie, but the book still resonates with to this day. I have to find it so I can read it to my children
  5. Harry Potter series – just good fun with morals and principles thrown in. Loved them.
  6. Where the Sidewalk Ends – I need the 30th anniversary edition with the new additions. That is something I will definitely be putting on my child’s bookshelf.
  7. Any Dr. Seuss book…ever! They were all so colorful and full of stories and parables that even now, I can think of the lessons that I learned from them.
  8. Wishes by Jude Deveraux– my first book with a plus sized heroine. I LOVED THIS BOOK! I read it so much that the spine broke and I had to tape the pages back in. This was the start of my desire to write stories that did not fit the mold. Heroine’s that weren’t “standard”. The end did leave a bit to be desired, but the concept was just…magic for me.
  9. The Donovan Series by nora roberts – loved this series. It was also an introduction to the art of two POV’s going on at the same time. Even now I wonder why more people don’t do it. I as a reader really want to see what is going on in the other person’s head. Is that weird?
  10. Last but not least…Ina Garten. I’m serious. I love her cookbooks. They read like books and anytime I get one, I have to sit down and read through it. Of course I mark the stuff I want to try, but the writing style of these books is just…I’m in love.

So…now to you. What are some books you just have to have no matter what? Let me know in the comments.

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