Monday, May 31, 2010

Plot issues

I’ve got a story in mind. One that seems to be consuming me in every way. Sounds dramatic, but I’m a writer. Everything I do will be dramatic. I just need some help in setting up the whole hero meets heroine. It’s in a genre that I have little to no experience with and I’m stuck. I can see the sex clearly, that’s a no brainer. I can see the issues that arise between the main characters. It’s not going to be a novel. More like a novella or short story. Nothing to in depth, just enough to get you going. I can even see the ending in all its glory and beautiful splendor. But I’m stuck with the beginning. I have some of the start ready, but I can’t see how I get from the heroes to the heroine.

Essentially, I’m missing the first three chapters. How does that work?

Alright, let’s get down to the issue. I’m working on a ménage relationship. It’s something that I’ve been dreaming out (yes, dreaming) for a minute. I want to put it on paper. I just need to figure out how to get the ball rolling.

I may have to do research. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Book Trailer-Henbane

Henbane is an herb used in magic and diabolism, for its power of throwing its victims into convulsions. It was employed by witches in their midnight brews, and from the leaves was prepared a famous sorcerer's ointment. I chose the title for the second book in the Hectate trilogy for this reason and a few others. Taeyla is a big beautiful woman, only she doesn’t see it. Large for as long as she can remember, she’s been ignored and regulated to the sidelines her whole life, her thinner, beautiful sisters getting all the attention. Resigned to a life of solitude and loneliness, she puts all her energy and time into building up her business, Dream Flowers, a high end flower shop. When the man from her dreams steps into her shop, her whole world is turned upside down. He’s everything she has ever imagined, but can she trust what’s between them or will she throw it all away when it gets too hard? Mac Hectate is fourth generation warlock, running out of time. He’s about to hit thirty and with no mate to ground his powers and a powerful curse looming over his head, he and his family could lose them, forever. Out looking for a gift for his mother’s birthday, he steps into Dream Flowers, his attention and heart captured by the vision of smooth skin, a sexy smile and generous body in front of him. Now all he has to do is convince Taeyla that he’s not crazy and that she really is his mate. Meanwhile, there is a dark force gathering, trying to prevent the Hectate family from fulfilling its destiny and now it’s a race against time for Mac and Taeyla. Can their love survive?

This trailer is on the website.

To be honest, this story is causing me some serious night time sleeplessness. I just can’t get the hero right. I’ve got her where I want her, but he is refusing to cooperate with me. So, for now I have shelved this part of the trilogy until I can figure out where it’s going.

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Story

I have a few stories I’m working on at the moment, most of them close to completion. Okay, so I really only have two stories at the moment, but they take up a lot of my time, so it feels as if I have a lot. Right now, in critique with my wonderful partner Suzannah. Without whom I would be much less competent than I am right now with my writing.

The story in critique is departure for me, both in style and hero status. Normally, my heroes are very macho, very alpha. I like it, but sometimes, you want the loner; the one who doesn’t fit in with the crowd, who leans against the wall and watches. You know, the shy guy, the one who doesn’t really talk, but when he does, your knees melt and when he smiles…it’s over. The style is different in that the POV is going to be mostly his. I read romances and I love them. But there are times when I’d like to read what the hero is thinking, how he’s handling the situation. I know how the heroine is going to handle, usually when you read you are her and she is you. But for me, I wonder what the man is doing, how he’s taking a situation. So, that’s my basis for this story. She still gets to talk, but this is really his story, his love. Another departure is that it’s a short story. I go for novels. Books that consume you in their length and depth and drawing it out until you are begging for it to never end. Not this one. I wanted to get to the point and still have you wanting more. It’s how I roll.

There is no blurb for this book, but I’ll give you a little background. The story premise is that Alan, the hero is an immortal living in secret. He meets Josceline at work and falls for her, hard. Josceline feels the same way, but Alan’s got secrets and he can’t tell her. He wants to protect her, keep her safe from the past and what’s lurking there. Too late, he realizes that he can’t protect her, not from what’s coming and in the end, he might lose her anyway.

There, does that tease you? Make you want more? Certainly hope so.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Book trailer-You Can Always Go Home

Alexina’s life is full of twists and turns. She lost most of her family as a child, and now as an adult, has just buried her husband of two years. It doesn’t help matters that she’d been on the verge of asking for a divorce. A chance meeting with a past flame has her thinking of what could have been. Exhausted and burned out from the guilt of her husband’s death and the pressure of her family, Alexina heads back to her childhood home, Killeen, Texas. Luciano has loved Alexina since high school, keeping her close to his heart. When he sees her at her husband’s funeral, he can’t help the pull he feels for her. Knowing it’s the wrong place and time, he walks away, hoping to see her again. When he sees her six months later at a friend’s party, he knows fate is on his side. Now, all he has to do is get past her doubts of them and the guilt of her husband’s death. Behind the scenes, a sinister force is working against them, threatening to tear them apart. Her late husband left behind unfinished business, information his enemies desperately want kept hidden. His old company is after her and the information, whether she knows anything about it or not. It’s going to take everything Alexina has to keep her wits about her and make sure they stay safe.

This trailer is also up at the website.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Book trailer-Willow

The story itself is part of a trilogy I've been working on for quite a while. The premise is that a family of witches, long standing in the community has been cursed. The curse goes back to ancient times and the family has forgotten it's existence, but not the repercussions if they don't follow through on it. Sounds complicated? Well it is. The first book involves a lesbian couple and I had a bit of fun writing it. I was in the middle of having it critiqued by my wonderful partner, but then i started to move, didn't move, but never picked it back up. It's a long book, so i don't blame her for not wanting to get back into it. I hope that we do though, because I'd really like to see this book and the whole series finished. At the moment, I'm in book two of the trilogy, but it's not coming as easily as this one did. We'll talk about that another day. .
This video is already up on the website, but I've decided that i would like to put it here as well, for those moments when you just want to watch and not scroll