Monday, May 19, 2014

My writing story

I started writing back in middle school. It was going to be a huge mystery story, with twins, poison and a private eye. When we moved from Germany to TX, I lost track of the story, but not the bug. Through high school, I wrote poetry and prose, needing an outlet for my teenage angst that only high schoolers understand. After that, I put the pen away, going through my fair share of ups and downs as I became an adult. Fat forward to college and my 2nd college roommate. She was a writer and talking to her…ignited the bug in me again. I remembered all the love I had for storytelling, the need to see characters who represented me better than what was in mainstream. Don’t get me wrong, I love some Nora Roberts and Linda Howard and Julie Garwood. I just found myself  hungering fro more interracial, more realistic, less…a size 10 and more size 20’s. that’s who I was and still am. I’m a big girl with an appetite for love with knowledge that love isn't always simple. Sometimes you’re at the end of a relationship or you still pine for another or maybe…you just aren’t that emotional. Nothing is wrong with that and I wanted to showcase it.


Then…life hit again. This time a divorce and picking up the pieces. The divorce took a bit of wind out of my sail and where I was writing for hours a day, I now find it a struggle to write for minutes.


I’m coming along though. Slow and sure. I find blogging to be a good way to unplug the dam that I built and the water sometimes gushes, sometimes trickles…but it does flow.

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