Monday, August 4, 2014

Self-Publishing Chronicle...

I can honestly say that I have sent my stories to every publisher and agent in the book. Just typed up letters and the query and printed off chapters like it was going out of style. After quite a few rejections and more than a share of no answers at all, I decided that I wanted to take things into my own hands. More like needed to take them into my own hands. So, I made the jump. I decided to self-publish (scary). I honestly felt that people would buy my stories if they were available in print.  

After a lot of searching, researching and just asking questions, I went with Amazon. The process was and still is easy and it just took a lot of stress off my shoulders. Amazon seemed to have the best of both worlds. Easy to upload, tools to help you convert, a forum where you can ask questions (though I have heard it’s a shark tank in there.) You get report on how many sales vs returns. It just had everything that I needed for free. There are other options that I could use that would cost, but right now…free is working for me. 

I will admit that in the beginning, I was hesitant to use the service. Not sure why though. Maybe I built it up to be harder in my head than it was.  

I have to say that I’m glad I did it. It’s a stepping stone in the right direction.

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