Sunday, November 9, 2014

You Can Always Go Home book trailer

Good Morning everyone!
In lieu of a post, I’ve put out a new book trailer for You Can Always Go Home. Hope you enjoy and don’t forget to comment on the video. Let me know what you think.

Life has a funny way of working. One day, you lose it all. Your family, your friends, the only person you ever thought you could love. It drops you off in a place that is foreign, leaving you to figure out where to go and what to do. Just when things are bleak and you don’t think you can go on, fate steps in and shows you what it was all for. As you move through life, you learn that if you close yourself off from the things that hurt, you miss out on the good stuff.

Alexina’s life is full of twists and turns. She lost most of her family as a child, and now as an adult, has just buried her husband of two years. A chance meeting with a past flame has her thinking of what could have been. Exhausted and burned out from the guilt of her husband’s death and the pressure of her family, Alexina heads back to her childhood home, Killeen, Texas.

            Luciano has loved Alexina since high school, keeping her close to his heart. When he sees her at her husband’s funeral, he can’t help the pull he feels for her. Knowing it’s the wrong place and time, he walks away, hoping to see her again. When he sees her six months later he knows fate is on his side. Now, all he has to do is get past her doubts of them and the guilt of her husband’s death.

            Behind the scenes, a sinister force is working against them, threatening to tear them apart. Her late husband left behind unfinished business, information his enemies desperately want kept hidden. Now it’s going to take everything Alexina has to keep her wits about her and make sure they stay safe. 

Get it now at these places:

Barnes and Noble:

Apple ibooks:

Goodreads Author Profile:

Monday, November 3, 2014

Music for the soul…

I don’t know about you, but I like a little tunes in the background when I write. I’ve tried the TV for background noise, but I get distracted…easily. Music on the other hand…once I find the right mood I can write for hours.

Let me share with you a few of my playlists

For writing love scenes:

  1. Bed – J. Holiday
  2. Glitter in the Air – Pink
  3. In the kitchen – R Kelly
  4. Sex on Fire – King of Leon
  5. She Wolf – Shakira

For writing Anger/fight scenes:

  1. Black Skinhead – Kanye West
  2. Breaking Dishes – Rihanna
  3. Caught Out There – Kelis
  4. Hurt – Johnny Cash
  5. You’re Not Sorry – Taylor Swift (CSI Remix)

For writing “normal” scenes:

  1. Dime Store Diamond – Gossip
  2. Music – Leela James
  3. Nutbush City Limits – Tina Turner
  4. Pop Goes the World – Gossip
  5. Rockstar – Rihanna
  6. Summertime – Sam Cooke
  7. Upgrade You – Beyonce

For writing the breakup/sad scenes:

  1. Airplanes – B.O.B./Hayley Williams
  2. All Cried out – Allure
  3. Not Goin Cry – Mary J. Blige
  4. And I’m Telling You – Jennifer Hudson
  5. Angels – Diddy/Biggie Smalls
  6. Breakeven – Script
  7. Climax – Usher
  8. Tonight – Xscape
  9. Touchdown – Game
  10. You Belong to Me – Trey Songz

Now, this is not all the songs, but they are the ones I keep on repeat.

What do you like to listen to when you write?

Monday, October 27, 2014

A sneak peak…

So, I thought I would give you guys a sneak peak of the book I’m currently working on. It’s a rough draft, though I have gone through and done some editing and correcting. I do plan on doing more, but I feel confident in putting this up for your reading pleasure.

Chapter One of “Perfect Planning”


Devlyn walked home slowly, her mind in a fog. She barely noticed what was going on around her. She’d just come from her check-up at the clinic, with earth shattering news. She was pregnant! Her mind still found it too hard to grasp. How could she be pregnant? She was only 17! She stopped, taking a moment to cool off in the shade of a magnolia tree and think. She dropped her bag to the ground and slid down the trunk of the tree. She pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her head on them, letting her body relax. She didn’t know how she could to break the news to her family. What would her father say? She brought her head up to stare straight ahead, not really seeing anything.

Squaring her shoulders, Devlyn got up and grabbed her bag, trudging home. She would just have to face whatever came. Her steps faltered when she thought of the baby’s father. Should she tell him? They’d been together for nine months and no one even knew. They’d met at the school’s Homecoming dance the year before and had been inseparable ever since, though in secret. As the youngest son of one of the wealthier white families in Orangeburg and her family just an average black family with three kids, she didn’t know how he would take it. That was the main reason they’d had to keep it so quiet.

She pushed all those thoughts aside and kept walking home. She needed to worry about her parents’ reaction first.

Devlyn nudged open the door to her house and walked quickly to the room she shared with her sister. She hoped no one noticed her and let out a quiet sigh of relief when she made it to her bed with no incident. She lay down, curled into a ball and closed her eyes, hoping to calm her beating heart. Her parents would be home in a few hours and she needed to be composed.


That night after dinner, Devlyn pulled her parents aside.

“Mom, dad, I have something to tell you.” Devlyn could feel her hands start to shake and her stomach was doing somersaults. She looked down at the kitchen floor.

“What is it honey?” Devlyn’s mother reached out, gently squeezing her daughter’s shoulder.

Devlyn looked up at her father, her eyes pleading for understanding.

“I’m…I went to the doctor today to find out why I’ve been feeling so sick lately.” She noticed her mother’s hand tightening on her shoulder.

“I’m…I’m pregnant.” Devlyn was unprepared for the sharp pain in her cheek as her mother slapped her.

“How could you?” her mother asked shrilly, the disappointment in her voice crushing Devlyn.

Devlyn looked at her father, flinching at the look on his face. She’d never seen such rage and distress on his face. She shrank farther back from him, afraid of her father for the first time.

“Get out. Pack you things and get out.” Her father’s voice was deathly final.

She looked to her mother for help, only to have her turn her head and avoid her eyes. She faced her father.

“Dad…please…” Devlyn felt the tears start to fall.

“Shut up! I want you out. How dare you bring such shame on this family!” Her father shouted, face dark with anger.

Devlyn heard a sniffle and looked past her father to see her little sister standing in the kitchen doorway, crying, clutching at the teddy bear she’d just given her on her seventh birthday. Devlyn moved to comfort her, but her father’s hand on her forearm stopped her.

“I said get out.” Her father hissed through clenched teeth.

“Where…where am I supposed to go?” Devlyn choked out.

Her father dropped her arm; stepping away from her. “Go to the boy’s house that did this for all I care.” He turned and walked from the kitchen.


Devlyn found herself standing in front of a massive oak door two hours later. She raised her hand, hesitating momentarily before knocking on the door. She didn’t know why she was there. She just didn’t have anywhere else to turn. Her friends didn’t want anything to do with her and her family had turned their backs on her. She didn’t have any money or anywhere to go. She didn’t really expect him to do anything for her. She just wanted to let him know; see what he thought she should do.

She stepped back when the door swung open unexpectedly, revealing a tall, slim, dark haired woman. With her hair perfectly done in a sharp angled bob and clothing well tailored to her slender body, Devlyn felt her throat close up. She looked Devlyn up and down, disgust plain in her eyes. Devlyn gave a shiver.

“We already gave at the office.” The woman’s voice was cold enough to freeze, a sharp bite to it.

“Mrs. Goth, I’m here to see your son, Ryan.” Devlyn have a small smile, hoping that the woman wouldn’t slam the door in her face.

For a moment, the woman froze. Her eyes were calculating as she stared at Devlyn. “I think you should come in.” Mrs. Goth stepped back, impatiently motioning for Devlyn to come in.

Hesitantly, Devlyn stepped inside, standing in the corner by the door.

Mrs. Goth turned and walked down the hall, never glancing back at Devlyn. She passed by an ornate wood chest, trailing her fingers over it as she walked by, as if showing what she had that Devlyn didn’t. She opened a door on her left, stepping into the room.

Devlyn stood in her spot awkwardly, not knowing what to do. After a minute, she followed after her, steps hesitant.

Mrs. Goth turned to look at Devlyn, slender fingers stroking the desk behind her. She eyed Devlyn as she shifted from foot to foot, the corners of her mouth curving up as she enjoyed the nervousness Devlyn displayed.

“Let’s cut to the chase. I know who you are. You’re the girl my son has been sneaking out to see.” The look on Mrs. Goth’s face dared Devlyn to deny it.

“I…” Devlyn began.

“Ryan isn’t here. He left this afternoon for Switzerland. He won’t be back anytime soon. He’s going to school there.” Mrs. Goth gave a smirk at the stricken look on Devlyn’s face.

“Wha…I don’t understand.” Devlyn’s eyes went wide, mind whirling with confusion. Why hadn’t he told her? Maybe it had all been a lie.

Mrs. Goth walked around the desk to sit in the plush leather chair. She reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a big check binder. Opening the cover, she flipped past check stubs until she got to a blank check. Pulling out a platinum pen, she looked at Devlyn.

“My son has a bright future. He’s going to go places. Hopefully run his father’s business when he gets his degree. He does not need to be saddled with someone like you.”

Devlyn stared at Mrs. Goth, before dropping her gaze to the floor. Humiliated to tears with the way the woman spoke to her, she could only let her, too intimidated to do or say anything. She tried to wrap her mind around the facts that she had just found out. Ryan had left, left her alone with this burden and she had nowhere to go, no money, no family or friends. What was she supposed to do now? Devlyn looked up when a blue piece of paper caught her eye. Mrs. Goth stood in front of her, waving a blue check in her face. Confused, but with a hint of understanding coming through, she stared at Mrs. Goth, not wanting to believe this was happening.

“Here is a check for $10,000.00. Take it and never contact my son. I know you kind of people need money.”

Devlyn looked at the woman, her mind warring with itself. On one hand, she did need the money, now that she no longer had a home. But she didn’t want this mean, cold woman to think she could just be bought off. She had pride and she had some self-esteem. All that was worth nothing if she didn’t have a way to take care of herself and her child, her mind reminded her. She resigned herself to what she had to do. With trembling hands, Devlyn reached out, hot tears falling from her eyes as she took the check.

“Good girl. You can leave now.” She sneered at the young black woman before turning her back.

Devlyn stared at the retreating back, tears falling freely, before slowly walking out of the room and out of the house.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Author rituals

Talk to any author and they will tell you that they have things that must be in order for them to write. All the stars must be aligned, the gods must be good and there must be certain things within reach. If these things are not in order, the words will not flow, the muse will flee and there will be no goodness for anyone to read.

For me the list is short and concise:

  1. A cup of tea, preferably a nice robust chai. The tea keeps me calm and focused. I do drink other teas, but chai is my favorite. Something about the spice and heaviness that makes it easier to write for me.
  2. A pencil. So…I don’t really like to write on the computer first. I like to put pen or pencil to paper first then write up things later. My mind works way too fast for me to type on the computer, leaving words out and it’s just generally a mess. Pencil and paper is the way to go…at least for me.
  3. Fresh paper. No wrinkles, no stains, no tears…nothing. If it’s not fresh…I can’t do it. I  don’t know what it is, but scrap paper makes me feel uncomfortable and I just…I just can’t.
  4. I prefer a notebook or a notepad. A sheet of paper is not going to cut for more than one reason. I need to feel the thickness and smoothness of paper under my hand.
  5. I do need music to write. Depending on the mood I’m in, the music can set the mood. Sexy mood for love scenes, hard angry music for fight or action scenes. Sometimes I just need something in the background to keep me focused and from getting distracted by anything that might happen in the background. Music…soothes the soul.


What are some of you rituals? How do you get the flow going?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Story settings

I have lived in quite a few places. Being a military brat, I have had wonderful opportunities to travel and see parts of the world that fascinate most people. Because of this, I have been able to set my stories in quite a few places, based on memories, pictures and extensive research. Okay, more like research with extensive distractions, but I digress. I do admit that I have taken a few liberties with some of my settings, since it’s either hard to really describe what I mean or things have changed and since its been a GOOD WHILE since I’ve been to some of these places, or maybe never really experienced it the way locals do, it works.

One of my favorite places to set some of my stories is Killeen, Texas.

 killeen_txNow, I am not a Texas girl at heart. Not even close. But this place holds meaning for me since so many things happened there that were first’s for me. First real boyfriend, first kiss…you get the idea. It’s also the one place I remember most vividly, right behind Germany and right before Virginia and Colorado. So, many of my stories are set here.

Another favorite setting of mine is Virginia. A place that I spent a long time living in and around, exploring the city and enjoying the sights. Now, I only have one story set here so far and I haven’t even published it yet, but still, I did enjoy writing that story. I do have a few more stories in this setting and I’m itching to get to them. Just thinking about VA reminds of the sights and totally awesome shopping and some very good friends that I made there. I should really make a trip back there sometime.

Last but not least, an upcoming setting that I’m using is Bartlett, TN.

 bartlett-tn-4703440I know…random right. I didn’t even really live there that long…maybe 6 months but it was an interesting six months I will say that. I found my footing, got out of a bad relationship and just in general grew up while my family and I were there. So, I have a trilogy upcoming that is set there and I’m hoping that it does well. I’m going to have to do a lot more research to make it believable, but it’s nothing I can’t do.

We are going to revisit this topic again, since I have a whole series set in SC that I’ve finished and I’m going to be editing it and critiquing it soon, along with other settings I want to talk about.

If you are writing, where are some of the places that you take your characters? If you don’t write, where are some places/settings you would like to see?

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Secret's Hunter

So I recently made a video for my latest release, "The Secret's Hunter" and put it up on Youtube. I know a day late and a dollar short, but I wanted to do something to get the word out and get people interested in reading the book. So here is the video. Check it out...let me know what you think.

Monday, September 29, 2014

A writer’s toolbox

Sometimes…you just gotta be prepared. There are only a few things that I need to write. Few, but important and crucial. If something is missing from this list when I go to write…things can get ugly REAL fast.

#1- My laptop. I have all my rough drafts, copies, ideas, book trailers, story ideas…everything is on this baby. I do have a flash drive and I frequently back up to my external drive, but this laptop…is my baby. I take it to a local coffee shop when I want few distractions, on the porch when I want to watch the dog run, on trips when I think I’m going to get some work done. Its portable and makes things easy. I can say that I would like to have a desktop, but that would be mostly for games and day to day stuff. I save the laptop for writing.

#2-A pen. But not just any pen. I can’t do ink pens or gel pens. Something about them makes me feel off. I have to use a ball point pen and the cheap ones are my favorite. The fancy ones are nice, with the gold and silver, but the weight is heavy and they often have stuff on them that gets in the way of my fingers, irritating the skin on them. I stick to the bic pens or even the ones you get from the hotels. FAVORITE!

#3- I also need a pencil. A long one with a good eraser. I prefer to keep it sharpened, no dull lead for me. The mechanical is okay, but the weight of it just does something and I can’t write with it for long. An old school #2 pencil all the way for me.

#4- I use the word program to write. Nothing fancy, but it does all my formatting that I like and it can save it for me from one story to the next.

#5- The kicker…I like to lay on the floor and write. Not hardwood, carpet please. Freshly vacumed if possibly but at least nothing so dirty that things are growing in it. Using a desk of or a counter…does not work for me. I can’t get into the flow of things and stop after like 1/2 a page. On the floor…I can write chapters. Just swinging my legs back and forth, scribbling away. Ahhh…good times.

What are some things that you need in your writer’s toolbox to write?

Monday, September 22, 2014


I’m often asked where my ideas come from when I’m writing. Okay, not all that often, but enough that it has me thinking about it and what my answer is. Especially when I’m having issues writing, when I hit a road block, when the typing just stops and the page is blank, mocking me with it’s…blankness. So, with that, I had to think hard about where my lighting is more likely to strike

Work: I work part time in retail, so I see a lot of people come and go. I get their life stories and all the drama of being with people on a daily basis. Sometimes the stories are too good and I have to write them down, change them up a bit so that the people who told me, have no idea it was me. Sometimes, I make the better than what was told or I fill in holes left by the customers when they have to leave or I have to go back to doing my work. There are times when I don’t get a story. It’s just the way the person looks. Interesting, as if they would have something to say or an interesting story to tell if I had the time to get it.

TV: yes, I am an avid TV watcher, enjoying a lot of different shows…except for reality TV. Though I do have a few exceptions. When I watch TV, I like to play the “What If?” game. Different endings, what is somebody had said something different, what if the character had reacted another way…just a lot of alternate universes out there and I would like to explore them all

Daydreams: these are the best ideas. I just let my mind wander. If I can, I write down my dreams, or at least fragments of them. I get some vivid ones and they are just too good to let fade into my memories. Long road trips, a late night with little sleep, maybe something weird to eat. Whatever the case may be, I will run with it.

So, my inspirations comes from quite a few different places and I enjoy every bit of it when I comes.

Where does your inspiration come from? Let me know in the comments how some of your best ideas/stories are found?


Monday, August 4, 2014

Self-Publishing Chronicle...

I can honestly say that I have sent my stories to every publisher and agent in the book. Just typed up letters and the query and printed off chapters like it was going out of style. After quite a few rejections and more than a share of no answers at all, I decided that I wanted to take things into my own hands. More like needed to take them into my own hands. So, I made the jump. I decided to self-publish (scary). I honestly felt that people would buy my stories if they were available in print.  

After a lot of searching, researching and just asking questions, I went with Amazon. The process was and still is easy and it just took a lot of stress off my shoulders. Amazon seemed to have the best of both worlds. Easy to upload, tools to help you convert, a forum where you can ask questions (though I have heard it’s a shark tank in there.) You get report on how many sales vs returns. It just had everything that I needed for free. There are other options that I could use that would cost, but right now…free is working for me. 

I will admit that in the beginning, I was hesitant to use the service. Not sure why though. Maybe I built it up to be harder in my head than it was.  

I have to say that I’m glad I did it. It’s a stepping stone in the right direction.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Writing Struggles

Like everyone, I have my issues. My hair, my weight, my wardrobe, my job…this is not unique. But when writing comes into play…things get interesting.

1st-Time. Time waits for no man and writer’s are no exception. Working full time and having a sort of life cuts into the time I would be writing. I set a schedule for myself, but I have yet to make myself stick to it. Call it lack of will power or ambition or…whatever. I struggle daily with the guilt of not writing enough. No answer yet.writers_eternal_struggle

2nd- ideas. It’s not a lack of them . More like too much of an abundance of them. That is not a bad thing…really. I just need to write it down and let it stew while I finish my other work. Well, that’s the idea anyway. Sometimes the idea is so strong though, I have to get it out. There is no stopping it and it can haunt my dreams until I do it. At least an outline of some kind, maybe some character sketches…then I focus back on the current book.

3rd-Want. Sometimes, a lot lately, I don’t want to write. The computer screen is lit, the cursor is blinking, but the fingers are sleeping. On days like that, I go over old stories, blog a bit, even pull out a book to read. There is no need to force it. The story is there and it will come out. Forcing it only creates more issues. It’s happening more lately, but that’s due to my life changing…again. I know once it settles down, the juices will flow.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Backstory-Perfect Planning

Let’s talk backstory or as I like to call it- The good stuff. We’ll start with Devlyn, the Heroine:

Coming from the south, she was brought up with a respect for authority, her elders and doing things “the right way.” Ever polite and sociable, you would say she was raised to be a lady. Her family is middle class, her father a deacon I his church and the manager at a local department store. Her mother works part time as a substitute teacher and full time homemaker. She has a little sister she adores and would do anything to protect her. Her life is charmed to an extent. Everything is planned and she is more than happy to go along with the plan.

The town she’s from in SC is small and very much attached to the past. Everyone has their place and NO ONE had better get out of line. Devlyn knows to toe the line, at least until she graduates. Then, she can do as she likes. Smart and funny, Devlyn catches everyone’s eye. Including Ryan’s. But she knows she can’t go there. Ever. His family is old money and old money comes with old ideas of people and where they belong. Besides, Ryan would never take the chance. He’s too content with the way things are.

Ryan’s turn:

Except…he’s not. Ryan is the baby of his family, with nine years between himself and his brother, his only other sibling. Having money is nice and Ryan enjoys every bit of it, but he’s feeling stifled. His mother, rigid and stuck in the past, makes it her mission to make sure he upholds traditions…all of them. His father is hands off, only getting involved when needed, which is hardly ever since his mother rules with an iron fist. His brother…they deal with each other, but that is the extent of it. It’s clear to all those on the outside and inside, he’s his mother’s favorite, though there is no joy in it.

He’s had his eye on Devlyn for what has felt like years. Admired her, wanted her, even needed her when he let his guard down. He knows all about the small minds of his town and family, but that’s not him. He's different…he’s more. And he wants more. Taking a chance, he makes his move, surprised by both the fear and happiness that shines in Devlyn’s eyes when she realizes he's serious. He’s led a sheltered life and has little idea of what could happen if word got out they were dating. A moment in the gym locker room at school opens his eyes and he suddenly understands the fear and the need for secrecy. It hurts to not be able to touch as he likes, to not go on dates, to watch as others make passes at Devlyn. he wants to push them all away and taker her some place safe, where they can just be.

Prom is the culmination of strategy, bribing and just plain praying to God that everything would come together. Even though they couldn’t go as a couple, it still felt like a date, especially when he got to dance with her, feel her skin against his for a few brief moments. After prom is even better, more than he could have hoped for in even his wildest dreams. To wake up next to her in the early hours of the morning is a memory he’s going to cherish. As as he drops her off at home, he begins to make plans of the future. Once he gets his trust fund, they’ll be free.

Two months before school is to let out for the summer, his mother comes into his room, face stern. That’s not something new, but his father is behind her. That’s new. His father never gets involved. Stomach in painful knots, Ryan listens as his mother sends him away, shipping him off to boarding school in London that night. All he can think of is Devlyn and if she’s going to wait for him. He tries to write her, tell her that he is coming back, but he never gets a response. Not even his letters come back. After too long, he puts it all away, determined to never let it happen again. No one would ever get back in.

Devlyn doesn’t know any of this…all she knows is that one night of passion and her whole life has changed, shifted so much that she barely recognizes it. When she tries to find Ryan, tell him what’s going on, he’s gone and she is all alone, with not even family to count on. Doing what is best for her, she leaves the state and lands in Texas, as far away from her past as possible. It’s not what she planned, but she is strong enough to make it work for her. Too much is riding on her shoulders to fail.

Monday, May 19, 2014

My writing story

I started writing back in middle school. It was going to be a huge mystery story, with twins, poison and a private eye. When we moved from Germany to TX, I lost track of the story, but not the bug. Through high school, I wrote poetry and prose, needing an outlet for my teenage angst that only high schoolers understand. After that, I put the pen away, going through my fair share of ups and downs as I became an adult. Fat forward to college and my 2nd college roommate. She was a writer and talking to her…ignited the bug in me again. I remembered all the love I had for storytelling, the need to see characters who represented me better than what was in mainstream. Don’t get me wrong, I love some Nora Roberts and Linda Howard and Julie Garwood. I just found myself  hungering fro more interracial, more realistic, less…a size 10 and more size 20’s. that’s who I was and still am. I’m a big girl with an appetite for love with knowledge that love isn't always simple. Sometimes you’re at the end of a relationship or you still pine for another or maybe…you just aren’t that emotional. Nothing is wrong with that and I wanted to showcase it.


Then…life hit again. This time a divorce and picking up the pieces. The divorce took a bit of wind out of my sail and where I was writing for hours a day, I now find it a struggle to write for minutes.


I’m coming along though. Slow and sure. I find blogging to be a good way to unplug the dam that I built and the water sometimes gushes, sometimes trickles…but it does flow.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Character Inspiration…

To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme.
- Herman Melville

The inspiration for my characters in “Perfect Planning,” is not so much a person, but an event. A moment in time that changes the lives of everyone involved. When this moment happens, what do the participants do? How will this moment change them? Will they rise to the occasion or will they falter?

I wanted to see what could happen to all those involved and how they would deal with it. I needed to show how some would react to a change that is both monumental and every day in it’s simplicity. I also wanted to show the dark side of being unbendable, of not acknowledging that sometimes what you think, your beliefs, are wrong and if you don’t change, you run the risk of being left behind. I do touch on racism in this story, as it often comes up in interracial relationships. As much as we want to deny it, it happens and it hurts all those involved. I do put in a twist to this story, because racism is not always black and white, there are layers and hidden feelings that have to be explored and I needed this story to show it.

Perhaps, on a deeper level, this story does reflect some of my history in interracial dating and relationships. I can’t that I being some of the feelings and experiences to this story, but a true writer always does.



Monday, May 5, 2014

My writing drug of choice is…

Research…who’d have thunk it?

First, let me say that I LOVE research. Digging and hunting and finding that little nugget of information is just…exhilarating. I love it and can often spend hours just looking and reading. girl%20readingWhich can lead to problems. I get easily distracted and this can be an issue if I have a deadline. One thing leads to another and I’m off on another track, completely somewhere else. I often have to tell myself to stop and get back on track.

So, how do I do my research? What magic do I perform that pulls all my little details together? I start with what I know, branching off from there. Usually I’m just looking for a little information, perhaps something to round off a scene or back up something that I’ve said. Sometimes though, especially when world building, I need more. I start with the internet, since it’s right there. I use google search, going to trustworthy sites for my information. I do use Wikipedia, but only if it has been verified. If the information is not enough, I want to go deeper, its off to the library with me. Now, this is dangerous territory for me, since books are my love. Reading, getting engrossed in a story…mmmmmmmmm…nothing like it. If this is the case, I gotta come prepared with a list of what I need and a deadline. Can’t spend the day dawdling.

I know some people are like why research if you are world building? Just put what you want. For me, I need a basis, something to work away from. If you don’t know something, how can you build away from it? Maybe what you think is new…isn’t. That’s why you research, so at least you know what it is you are railing against.

Sometimes, I may do an interview. I find somebody in the field that I’m writing about, maybe my character is a police officer and I find someone willing to answer a few questions. I usually do this if I want to add that personal touch or if I’m basing the character I’m writing about on the person I’m interviewing. Makes things a lot more personal.

Okay, so it’s not really magic, but it is satisfying to find some tidbit that maybe I didn’t know and perhaps my reader doesn’t know either.

All in the name of writing.

Next week, we are going to talk about my character inspiration for the novel I talked about earlier, “Perfect Planning

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Inspiration strikes

I have got to get back into writing and blogging. I post and then nothing for months. There has to be a better way to stay motivated and on track. Let’s start easy: We’ll talk about my current book and go from there. Should be simple enough…*fingers crossed*

The latest book that I’m working on is titled…for now, Perfect Planning. I can’t really say why I’ve titled it that, but I’m sure that I’ll probably change it later. But that is not why we are here today. We are here to talk about the inspiration behind the story and why I chose to write it.

The story starts with the heroine in high school, having just discovered a life changing fact. This fact alters the rest of life and forces her to start over in a place far from loved ones and anyone that would know her. But she’s strong, unwilling to let it destroy her. Things are starting to look up for her when a blast from the past comes into her life and takes her back to that place in her youth. From there, we follow her journey of loss, forgiveness and her path back to love.


To be honest, I don’t know where this idea came from. Maybe from playing Sims, a little from soap operas, some from primetime TV. I wanted to write about love lost and what the road would look like if someone wanted to travel it. All the trials and tribulations that would come with trying to rekindle a lost love with deep secrets between the main characters. I didn’t want it to be pretty or easy the way that some of these stories can play out, but I did want it to be beautiful and touching.

So right now, I’m working hard to get this story done. Some days are better than others and I admit, I struggle to put words to paper.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I should really turn on my notifications or something in Amazon. I had a review on “You Can Always Go Home” and I didn’t even know it. EEEk!!!!

So, I’m not sure if this is okay or not, but I’m going to post it anyway.

“This is the first time that I've read anything by this author and I'm glad I took a chance. She did an excellent job developing the plot and the characters - so much so that I thoroughly disliked Alexina. To say she was annoying and too wishy-washy is putting it mildly. However, kudos to the author for getting me so engaged and invested in the characters. The story had a nice pace and refreshingly was without typos - excellent editing. I would highly recommend this read and I will definitely add Ms. Rogers to my watch list.”

By Katiebell

I have to say, I’m flattered. And very appreciative that this woman to the time to write this.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Whoot whoot!

I have published another story on Amazon. This time it’s a short story, titled “A Secret’s Hunter


Don’t you love the Cover? Click it to go to the page in amazon

A nice little blurb to wet your appetite:

Alan is immortal, born in a time of mistrust and hatred. Even now, hundreds of years later, there are those that despise him and hunt him as a freak of nature, an experiment.
Now, as a behind the scenes CEO of a medical research company, he is on the brink of changing history, when in walks the woman of his dreams, Josceline. Everything he could want in a woman and he’s finally ready to pursue her. Only trouble is, someone is watching him, threatening to tear down his carefully built façade.
Can he protect her and keep his secrets safe?

Very excited at this piece of news. It just got old, waiting for someone to want to publish my story’s, to get the green light from some publishing company with no face. Doing it on my own feels better and I’m more in control. Though I don’t have the PR backing, it’s okay. I can do this

I also have an Author Page live on if you want to check me out:

It’s not done yet, (the page) but I’m working it slowly and surely.

This is going to be a fun ride.